SIP-00XX The 3 Critical Price Impacting Changes Requested By The Community

I do have a lot of respect for you and BCW and i know how powerful you are.

But i am a Sovryn and i want Sovryn to succeed. This is important to me and i will not yield back on my conviction.

I just think it’s not a good idea to rush these things. And i think it would be better to find a compromise with the hardcore Sovryns than to bring this sip to the vote.


I dont think your position is clear here and i must say im dissapointed that you are waving off and leaving what seems to be one of the most talked about sip proposition in here. I may be wrong here but one of your comment is mr y from bcw pushed sip 30 to team and early investors not recieving fees while locked. Which correct me if im wrong was promised before launch and the sip had to be implemented after you gave fees to these locked coins even thought that was not the plan? Also the comment of sheperded by the founders and people dedicated to the vision YOU want to have a large long term stake vote, this is not decentralized it is what YOU want. Would you say we have been shepherded well? No limit orders 2 failed marketing teams, months wasted on dogshit alt coins that are now scrapped failed deadlines on zero and beta mynt disaster. Since january you have shifted focus to delivering an jmproved uk its been over 12 weeks and the ux is just as shit tbh and now you think the fastest way is to buiod a new one from the ground up? Wtf was the point in the last 3 months then…


Perhaps it is time to consider what seems to be a community driven proposal such as this one by @DMAN

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So give me an example. If I buy 10 sov, how much voting power do I get? How does that voting power increase? What is the formula for this? Example: (SOV staked) × (days staked) × (0.01) = (Voting power). Does voting power max out? After 10 years, 20 years, 50 years?

What of the 3 million sov that are currently staked? Suddenly liquid? What about our current voting power? We lose that?

Could you elaborate?

I also seen in your text message thay you have changed the sip text to include burning, not locking. How much will be burnt? 50% of all? Because your angry with Yago for not doing what you want, do you plan on taking more from him specifically?

I assume you have the math on these questions, seeing as you submitted an sip.

Does this change the current bitocracy somehow?

I agree, however, hardcore Sovryns approve this SIP.
The team and their insiders don’t, because in this sip it’s proposed to strip them off of their (undeservably) high given the circumstances (and 3 yrs of failure) team tokens… adoption pool which they already used as their own wallet (when they wanted to raise funds off of it) and development fund which is again their extra tokens even after over 20 million raised… for the salaries of the devs…

And even I thought of unpredictable and I allowed them the economy pool to be kept just in case of something unpredictable. We don’t need the 99% of the tokens in the team hands, do we?


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I follow you Dman on all of this.
Problems bring light to solutions.
Let’s create them as a whole, as we could AND not !
That’s the challenge for BTC since day one, and then, now…here, for Sovryn / rBTC and such.
Thanks for dealing with this as best you believe to !


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If I would do something out of anger, I would be as bad as he is if not worse.

I wouldn’t take one single token out of him in anger, and it is not my interest to have him lose tokens, my interest is to make him money, but for that to have a ‘promoteable’ product we need favorable tokenomics, and the team right now has TOO MUCH… So I’d rather 4x the SOV value and burn his 50% of tokens than having him have 100% of the tokens and serious investors finding it too greedy and not willing to join in after we made the website nice, app simple and functional, sov paying…

Regarding staking and voting power, also, brother, you didn’t read as it is already answered in the convo. But since now you started with respectful questions that you sincerely wonder about, I’ll repeat and do one just for you:

Yes, existing staking tokens would become liquid. Existing stakers would get the rewards until this date, so their staked amount + the reward would become liquid for them and this would be their new voting power previous amount + new amount.

Now if they would decide to stake in new system, I can make the easy formula, but I’d let you, the community to decide what you prefer the most, what voting increase schedule and what fee schedule because without distribution of any new SOV tokens just because we have a big pool and we are introducing them while watering down the paid-for tokens value… now you get a share of the fees an exchange generates and you will decide as a community in sub group I’ll name so that once this sip approves, I will open a thread and give a ‘blank cheque’ basically, say, what you decide, it will be, with consensus of majority… because this isn’t a security risk, it is a zero sum game, if there is let’s say $1000 in fees and it’s the three of us… we can divide 250+250+250 and 250 leave for ‘staking rewards which are paid out lineary or progressively to the stakers dividing amount longest and youngest stakers and their total number’ or some other version that you find to your liking, this is the easy thing. What I suggested in this SIP are the three MAJOR, CRITICAL, STRATEGIC changes, and the strategic change is that people who love sov token should hold it and those who don’t for some reason can have a freedom of getting rid of it by no locking that is eventually followed by anger sale.

I hope this answers.

Thank you my friend. I strongly believe with you this SIP is the best thing that can happen to Sovryn given the loss of momentum, in-team troubles, etc.

Yago separated from two partners already if I know well. Maybe those people also didn’t like something about Sovryn and he overpower them. The problem is he can’t overpower me. He can only remain stubborn and hurt himself and Sovryn in the process. Because it is transparent what people, what MAJORITY of people here think about this SIP. Everything else that will follow from his insiders is a TWIST.

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Thank you brother for your support. If egos are aside, if some logic is turned on, people will realize how BENEFICIAL this SIP is for the community and for Sovryn. New people would more gladly enter Sovryn. There is a REASON why after 3 years BCW still presents majority of the community. Because new people simply didn’t get attracted to SOV. Not that they didn’t hear of Sov. Crypto is a small place. And 3 years is plenty… they didn’t like what they saw… starting with tokenomics. Let’s change that!


you aint gonna change that much with 800k vp

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Sovryn has been running for a bit over a year, not 3 years.



… Thank you.

With pre sale, with planning,… I say 3 years for emphasis…

What they are doing… censorship in action. This is not the Sovryn I invested in or supported!
Shame on you!

One more such action, I am withdrawing all and then you will win, but people will know what truly happened. SHAME on you!

It’s good that you are here and care. We are about to leave the alpha phase. We are getting incredible new products for bitcoin that will change a lot. And now is the right time to set the stage for a successful future. And i hope BCW is there because with you it’s going to be so much more of a ride.

But we should have a little bit more work and consensus than 2 days and a heated discussion. Let’s take until easter to find a solution and take some time to create GREAT SIP’s that will be heard of.


Making it look like SIP so it has to be enforced without having to go around in the past months is the way I understand it.

Brother, I’d be willing to discuss this even for longer time, absolutely no problem with that.

The problem I have is with MANIPULATION, when Yago disliked it he tried to shift the timing, the narrative, post half-screenshots… why?

If he wants the community to decide.

The truth is, he doesn’t.

I got the required voting power in 3 minutes from the Sov community that is required to propose a SIP, Yago didn’t help. He wants to 1st attempt: change the wording; 2nd attempt: delay … I wanted to put it to a vote today… not because if we had a civil discussion I’d insist on today, I don’t. I want good for Sovryn… but because I knew he will show again his true colors and he is important as he is the leader of the project… if he doesn’t stand to his principles even when things are against him, what does that tell you about the project’s principles.

We were sucked on something the leadership disagrees… like when politicians are waging war from safety of their chairs… while young guys naive enough to propaganda that some war is not business but rescue of their mothers and children, go and lose their lives fighting for the principle.

We are elevated to that and can call Yago bs when we hear it.

This is the point. Not the trouble in letting people sleep on it. Zero problem about that. In fact I want to encourage thinking and self thinking. Cheers!


Yago received A LOT of heat from you and BCW in the ama’s (thanks for posting them!).
Both of you tried to manipulate. It was a discussion between alpha’s. That’s the game. You both stand fair points.

I’d like to see Sovryn with both in the future as it’s a strong leadership. Fire and Ice :smiley:

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To moderator!
I as owner and starter of this thread wish to delete it. It says you don’t let me and that I should ask you about it.

I find my mission here is concluded.
I have informed people of a chance to win for Sovryn.
And I called upon many bullshit.

I got overwhelming and dominating support.

I wish to withdraw from this SIP and everything else.

I let it in the good hands of the Sovryn community and not so good hands of the sovryn leadership.

Yago I think what I told to him, he has good visionary ideas, but zero basic understanding and empathy for people… that is a dangerous ground for continuation of development. However, when / if similar ideas come proposed again to him… and let him be the alpha dog in the circle, maybe he will be willing to look for what’s good for Sovryn as a whole not for Sovryn as what he controls.

I wish to delete this entire thread. Thank you.
And thank you all for MAJESTIC support!

Not you mods, fuck you!


I also support this SIP. Simplicity is key, without it all else is lost. Sov needs to increase user base, and for the majority of people the current website is too hard. What Sov represents needs to be made clear, and the ability to import / export BTX / ETH needs to be made MUCH easier for people to use regularly and on mass. Also the tokenomics needs addressing.

Sov is a great project with huge potential. Let’s not let it become a dinosaur !

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