Value Capture for SOV Staking

Great ideas, thanks for putting this together! I have a few just clarifying questions:

  • If all revenue will accrue to this new token as opposed directly to staked $SOV, what incentive is there to buy $SOV token…for governance? Are we cannibalizing $SOV value?

  • I’d personally prefer to prioritize dev resources to actual revenue generating activities. Then figure out these speculative derivative products down the line. SIP’s like collecting a small fee on swaps should be pushed forward first. SOV staking rewards - discussion prepping for a SIP

  • Regarding current fee structure: Do all staked $SOV (including vested founder shares) earn fees in the protocol? In prior months I was told multiple times founding shares currently on a vesting schedule (meaning they’re locked) do have voting rights but DO NOT earn revenue share. Then recently I was told this is incorrect on Discord and they DO earn revenue share. Can @yago or @Ingalandia confirm which is correctand if they do now earn revenue when did that decision change and what was the rationale