Sovryn Tokenomics - Taskforce

Lol “task force”

You don’t need any task force. You internally hold bunch of problematic tokens, burn if you wish to burn, you don’t listen to any task force anyway so why forming them? To make them feel significant while they achieve nothing?

Burn your 50% tokens
burn the adoption pool
And at least cut the development pool in half but burn it entirely, you have the dev funds already.

Bam. Done deal.


I’ve been book-marking threads on Twitter. Haven’t dived into these yet but posting here for reference:


All - We should have a kickoff call for the taskforce. Well overdue.

We can meet tomorrow in the Community Discord at 4pm UTC.
Don’t worry if you can’t make it - there will be others.

@dseroy @Sacro @bananas_in_the_sky @lactarius @hyperboreyan @Sitizen @CrypTut + anyone else who wants to join.

Please add below any agenda topics you would like to propose.

I would like to discuss trading rewards; token lock up and analytics.


We have done some work already and we can give a brief overview of that.
I would add LM rewards to our discussion. Changing reward sizes between AMM pools, reducing rewards overall or making rewards instantly liquid could be discussed.
There’s a lot that could be done but we also tried to find solutions that can be implemented relatively fast without taking away dev-time and it would be good to have your thoughts on that.

Was this first kickoff call open for everyone and would it be possible to get a summary of what was discussed or if anything was decided on how to move forward?


the call was held in the Sovryn Community discord and it was open for everyone. We also have a recording that probably will be published.
I am in the process of writing several forum posts with regard to our new Sovryn Circle that was created during that call. A summary will be there, too. Should hit the forum this week.
As a sneak peak, we discussed reducing or changing liquidity mining rewards in various pools, instant liquid LM rewards, adoption fund token lockups, identifying selling pressure and even voluntarily locking up founder SOV tokens through ZERO. All these things can now happen with proper on-chain monitoring through the amazing Sovryn subgraph. Exciting times ahead. Expect more updates SOON.