Sovryn Tokenomics - Taskforce

Adoption fund contract

Hey @Sacro, as mentioned yesterday, I looked at what I believe is the adoption fund contract (0x0f31CFd6Aab4d378668ad74deFA89d3F4DB26633).

I summarized what I found in this spreadsheet: Sovryn - Vesting schedule implied by contracts. The sheet also has these two plots that give an overview on the vesting schedule implied by the contract:

Assuming my understanding of the functions and state variables in the contract is correct, I see the following key points:

  • Out of 37,222,240.20 SOV that were originally in the contract, 17,494,453.11 SOV will be fully vested by May 8th, 2022 and could theoretically be retrieved fully by the unlockedTokenOwner.
  • Out of those 17,494,453.11 fully vested SOV, 7,568,522.11 SOV are still in the contract, the rest has been moved out in October 2021.
  • The (monthly) vesting schedule implied by the contract does not really reconcile with the adoption fund vesting schedule listed in the official SOV Token Emission Schedule - February 2021. Possible that I miss a point, would be good if somebody who has a deeper understanding could provide context (@dseroy maybe?)

Development fund contract [Section added on 08/04/2022]

@Sacro, I did the same assessment for what I believe is the development fund contract (0x617866cC4a089C3653DDc31A618b078291839AEB). I updated the spreadsheet: Sovryn - Vesting schedule implied by contracts. The following plots give an overview of the schedule:

Key points:

  • Out of 8,368,597.68 SOV that were originally in the contract, 3,765,869.01 SOV will be fully vested by May 8th, 2022 and could theoretically be retrieved fully by the unlockedTokenOwner.
  • Out of those 3,765,869.01 fully vested SOV, 1,534,242.93 SOV are still in the contract, the rest has been moved out in October 2021.
  • Same as for the adoption fund, the (monthly) vesting schedule implied by the contract and the total amount that was originaly held by the contract do not really reconcile with the development fund vesting schedule listed in the official SOV Token Emission Schedule - February 2021. This is a point to follow up.

Post change log

  • edit 1 (07/04/2022): fixing some typos in figure 1
  • edit 2 (08/04/2022): (i) added development fund section to the post to keep the analysis in one place, (ii) added headers for post readability and changed name of google sheet
  • edit 3 (09/04/2022) fixed a mistake with dates (original post was off by 1 month, the reported amounts were for may 8th, not april 8th)