SIP-010 Staking logic fix to allow cliff to be equal duration

This is a technical upgrade to cover a missing edge case when the cliff equals duration. The change upgrades Staking contract thus demands approved redeploy.
Tech details:
PR: staking edge case allow cliff == duration by tjcloa · Pull Request #158 · DistributedCollective/Sovryn-smart-contracts · GitHub

longer explanation:

The currently deployed staking contract’s stakeByschedule function used by the currently deployed vesting contracts only allow for staking for two six-week intervals, which means that SOV tokens from the Origin resale can not be distributed with deploying one single contract. The currently deployed staking contract would require to release 50% at one date, and the second 50% four weeks later. This would be unfair to Origin presale bidders.

Approval of SIP-010 would result in the disbursal of Origin SOV presale tokens taking place 48 hours after the conclusion of a successful vote.

@Ororo When is voting scheduled to begin?

within the next 30 minutes if nothing goes wrong

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