SIP-00XX The 3 Critical Price Impacting Changes Requested By The Community

Would it be possible to change the tone of this SIP a bit?

I agree with the first point in the SIP where coins are locked up longer in favor of price apreciation. But this would only happen if this event is marketed properly. I assume the goal is to attract new buyers as I do not have the feelings this project is a rugpull from the core team.

Same thing for point two. I think staking mechanism is fine as it is, however it is not very well known what the actual benefits are. (Liquid rewards, fee share etc). Imho this should changed. E.g. Shout out on the frontpage, Twitter, Google ads etc. Would it make sense to add a staking option with less benefits and voting power and no time contraint? Instead of replacing it?

Point 3 I agree but As I understood from the AMA this is already agreed upon and begint worked on. If there is an actual plan / design this could be put to a vote if desired but my preference would be to leave this up to a specialist.

Just a sov holder that likes to see some ROI

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