Adding Sovryn to application trackers. Coinstats and Coingecko

I don’t know if you have noticed that users have two popular applications for tracking their portfolios. One is Coinstats, and the other is Coingecko. Those applications not only serve to track prices but also as an introduction mechanism for new users.

We need to register Sovryn not only as a token but as a decentralized exchange to those applications so that if newcomers buy, sell or trade any RSK tokens, they can see they have a decentralized form to do it.

Matt already started the process for Coinstats, but the process for Coingecko requires some data I don’t know, but developers should know.

Please help me reach the developers so that they can fill out the form, which is free, so that we can have a better presence on applications that many users are using daily.

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From my understanding, both the Sovryn DEX & token are in Coingecko. And I take it Matt has Coinstats taken care of, which is great!

Not AFAICT. Even for the SOV token, they only show eSOV on Ethereum, not SOV on Rootstock. And in the exchange section, only the CEXes are shown, not eSOV on Uniswap nor SOV on Sovryn.

Screenshot 2022-07-21 115754